Post Oak Recreation Association
Swim at Your Own Risk (SAYOR) extended hours
- I acknowledge the fact that there is an inherent risk with using the pool/restricted areas of the facilities during (SAYOR) “SWIM AT YOUR OWN RISK Hours.” I willingly agree to assume complete and total responsibility for my own safety, actions, and behavior as well as for those of my family, guest(s), and any other persons I may admit into the pool/restricted area of the facility.
- I acknowledge that I have received, read and understand the “Pool Rules” and “Swim at Your Own Risk” (SAYOR) extended hours pool rules and promise to adhere to them at all times. I further agree that it is my responsibility to make certain all other persons admitted by me, my family, or my guest(s) are also made aware of these rules and I assume complete and total responsibility and liability for ensuring they adhere to them as well.
- I agree to verify that the gate into the pool/restricted area of the facility is locked behind me and all those allowed into this area by me or anyone under my responsibility. I further agree to see that it remains locked until another PORA member arrives; at which time, the next PORA member to unlock the gate would then assume the responsibility of ensuring the gate is locked behind them once all persons under their responsibility have entered. I understand that this gate MUST remain CLOSED and LOCKED at all times and agree not to admit anyone else into the pool/restricted area of the facility other than those persons whose safety, actions, and behaviors I am willing to accept total responsibility and liability for. If someone other than the aforementioned persons is allowed into the pool/restricted area of the facility due to my negligence, or that of anyone under my responsibility, I further agree to assume responsibility for ensuring those persons leave, otherwise, I agree to assume total responsibility and liability for their safety, actions and behaviors as well.
- I agree not to open the pool gate for other PORA members. All PORA members using the pool during “SAYOR Hours” must unlock and lock the gate for themselves.
- I understand that use of the PORA facilities is a membership privilege which may be revoked at any time by the PORA Board at their discretion for any of the following reasons, including but not limited to: violation of any of the above mentioned agreements, violation of any pool rule, engaging in indecent, harmful or illegal activities, consuming any alcoholic beverage at the pool during SAYOR hours, exhibiting or allowing anyone admitted by me, including my family and /or guests to exhibit irresponsible behavior of any kind including but not limited to those acts which could result in personal injury to themselves or anyone else, or result in facility damage of any kind.
As indicated by my completed payment and acceptance of access keys for annual membership is acknowledge that I have read, understand and agree to adhere to the policies stated above and further agree that I have received, read and understand Post Oak Recreation Association, Inc.’s “Pool Rules”, “Tennis Rules” and “SAYOR Rules”, and “ PORA Pool Guest Policy” and agree to abide by them at all times. In addition to accepting complete and total responsibility and liability for my own safety, actions and behavior, I also agree to assume complete and total responsibility and liability for the safety, actions, and behaviors of all family members, guests and any other persons I may have cause to admit into the pool/restricted areas of the facility. I agree to release Post Oak Recreation Association, Inc. and all of its representatives, board members, vendors thereof, from any liability or responsibility for the safety, actions, or behaviors of any persons using the pool/restricted areas of the facility during “SAYOR Hours”. I further agree to release them from any responsibility or liability for any incidents, accidents, or deaths which may arise from our use of the pool/restricted areas of the facility during “SAYOR Hours“.
Click here to accept the Limits of Liability Relaese.